Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Exam 2 Psychology

Exam 2 Psychology

Q In the course, we have discussed a number of contexts in which adults and children are embedded that all present risks and protective mechanisms. There were common dimensions across these settings which have been shown to play one or both of these roles. Be able to name at least four common dimensions and discuss two of these dimensions as they apply to at least two of these settings.

Q Hint: dimensions include the structure of the setting, personnel, expectancies of adults in the setting, mobility, and communication between adults and contexts were settings like family, schools, neighborhood, etc. For example, monetary issues can protect children or be a risk factor. Family is a setting and poverty in families can be a risk in this setting and mobility is another dimension and the occurrence of mobility within the family can disrupt children's outcomes (e.g., divorce can require a child moving or immigration can lead to risks).

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While reading the course materials throughout, it can be said that some of the major dimensions can includes stressors on family system, risk factors in the development of the children, school problems for the immigrants and the overall impact of the neighborhood. It was observed that within these four dimensions the other areas were also connected to some extent.